Configuring Django ================== Arbitrary `django `__ settings can be set for the promgen web app by adding those under the ``django`` key to the ``promgen.yml`` file. All available django settings (not every setting may apply to promgen) are listed in the `django reference `__. Configuring an SMTP Server -------------------------- An SMTP server for sending outgoing mail can be configured this way: .. code-block:: yaml sender: django: EMAIL_HOST: EMAIL_PORT: 587 EMAIL_HOST_USER: EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD: EMAIL_USE_TLS: true The ``EMAIL_USE_TLS`` and ``EMAIL_USE_SSL`` settings are mutually exclusive. The ``EMAIL_USE_SSL`` setting enables implicit TLS, the ``EMAIL_USE_TLS`` setting enables STARTTLS. The `django docs on email `__ cover how emails are sent by django as well as relevant configuration parameters.